Double duty
After checking out a few different blog hosting sites, I think I've settled on BlogDrive. I've set up a new blog over there, and transferred all of the posts. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to copy the comments over, so for now they're just MIA. There's probably a way to do it, but to be honest I'm being lazy and don't feel like the hassle. At some point, I'll probably try to figure it out, but for now . . . meh. I'm still working on tweaking the BlogDrive blog too, and that's kinda my primary focus (blog-related-wise) for the time being.
Until I decide for sure that I'm sticking with BlogDrive, I'm going to be maintaining both blogs (at Blogger & at BlogDrive). So, you can hit either one and get the same intriguing, thought provoking, edge-of-your-seat reading pleasure. Let me know which you prefer (there are aspects of both services I like/dislike, so have not yet fully made up my mind which one I'll ultimately stick with). Thanks for any input.
Blogger version
BlogDrive version
Until I decide for sure that I'm sticking with BlogDrive, I'm going to be maintaining both blogs (at Blogger & at BlogDrive). So, you can hit either one and get the same intriguing, thought provoking, edge-of-your-seat reading pleasure. Let me know which you prefer (there are aspects of both services I like/dislike, so have not yet fully made up my mind which one I'll ultimately stick with). Thanks for any input.
Blogger version
BlogDrive version
At 3:13 AM PST,
amiethinggoes said…
so does that mean if i put a comment here, i'll have to repeat it on your blogdrive postings? :)
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