Channelling Homer
Every now and again I seem to have the ability to channel Homer Simpson. Or, rather, Homer has the ability to possess me. Sometimes it's for just that split second while mowing the lawn that results in running my lawnmower rather violently rolling over a toy. Or once when I thought it perfectly acceptable to "mow" the lawn with the weed whacker. Sometimes it's for more prolonged periods, causing me to sit in front of the TV for hours with beer in hand. And sometimes it's just to yell "Doh!" after having a "Homer moment" that risks life and limb. But more often than not, it occurs while I'm grocery shopping, as it did yesterday. Believe it or not, it usually happens in the produce section. This may seem rather odd, considering Homer's aversion to produce. But you see, my local grocery is really sneaky. They've got the produce right next to the bakery. So, while I'm trying to be good, and picking out some yummy veggies (if I keep telling myself that, they'll become edible . . . that's the theory), I'll suddenly find myself opening the glass case and mumbling "Mmmmm . . . doh-nuts" while picking out a dozen little cardiac killers. Anyone have Reverend Lovejoy's number? I need him to perform an exorcism.
At 10:09 PM PST,
amiethinggoes said…
yap the goodies but just make sure you shed it afterwards.
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