When it rains, it pours
Oh yeah, I'm having a good day. Did you know that raviolis can explode? Really, they can. This was discovered just a short while ago. Fortunately, no one was injured, as the microwave contained most of the explosive force. Now I'm wondering if putting the microwave outside to let the rain wash it out would be the easiest solution. Unless anyone wants a microwave with a cool red interior . . .
At 10:21 PM PST,
Anonymous said…
How many seconds? I don't think anything has exploded in a while in my microwave but it's still pretty dirty.
:: Mona ::
At 12:27 PM PST,
Ms Mac said…
Apparently Grapes explode in there too!
Sinead O'Connor- tee hee!
At 8:35 PM PST,
Arethusa said…
Ouch. This may have been why I just had coffee and a small pastry for dinner. The cooking mojo was not strong with me tonight.
I pick the rain option!
At 1:55 AM PST,
amiethinggoes said…
hmmm there wasn't any victim yet on my microwave. if i put it in ok, it comes out even better.
At 9:29 AM PST,
Anonymous said…
WHOA! Note taken! :)
<"3 )~ http://www.techtrend.com/blog/taranicole
At 12:18 PM PST,
Suzanne said…
yeah...i've exploded lot's of things in the microwave. Isn't it cool?
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