Echoes in a Nomad's head

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Sunday, January 23, 2005

We are not alone

My cell phone plays these annoying little tunes when it turns on or off. Honestly, it's part of the reason I never turn it off. The sounds just annoy me. But I haven't figured out how to turn them off yet. Anywho, Friday night it dawned on me that I hadn't charged the phone in a while, and should probably do that the next day. Me being me, I forgot. So it didn't surprise me yesterday afternoon when, from another room in the house, I heard the annoying little tune of the phone shutting off. So, I went and got the phone, along with the charger, with the intent of (obviously) recharging the battery. But then I noticed something. The phone was turned on. And the battery was showing a half charge. Just for the heck of it, I turned it off, then back on. And it dawned on me that the tunes I heard were the ones it plays when turning on, not off like I had thought. So, apparently the phone had shut itself off for absolutely no reason without my noticing (not surprising, since there've been a couple times when I left the house without it), then mysteriously turned itself back on!

Shortly after moving into my house some 5+ years ago, my dog (who never barks) started growling and barking at thin air in the front room one day. Something really had his hackles up, but I couldn't figure out what. My sister claimed my house was haunted, but I just laughed it off. Now, after years of unexplained noises, items mysteriously disappearing only to reappear somewhere I know I wouldn't have put them, and now the cell phone incident, I'm not laughing things off. Starting to think maybe I should hire an exorcist . . . or maybe just sell the house & let the next owner deal with it.

For the time being, I think I'm going to call the ghost George, just because George is a good name for a ghost. So nobody tell George I'm looking to evict him. Cuz then he might go all poltergeist on me, or hire a hit ghost.


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