Echoes in a Nomad's head

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Wednesday, December 08, 2004

No Tolerance for Zero Tolerance

Okay, this has the potential to be completely stupid. Now, if these were actual, factual, alcoholic Jello Shots, then I absolutely agree that the little girl should be suspended (and a serious look taken at her mother's ability to properly raise a child). But to have a policy that this little girl should and will be suspended even if there was no alcohol involves is assinine. What the school is effectively saying is that gelatine cubes, cups, anything aren't allowed, because no matter what specific shape it takes it could be mistaken for an alcohol-containing item. Y'know what . . . water looks an awefull lot lot Vodka, so I guess kids better get suspended for bringing water to school, too. And hey, that cup of Coke might be mistaken for a rum & Coke!!

Come on folks. If the Jello this girl didn't have alcohol, and she wasn't selling it under the pretext of being "Jello shots", then what the heck did she do wrong?!? Why is she being suspended for something completely harmless and innocent? I guess the school board better be hoping they contained alcohol, because otherwise the community would be 100% right in raising a major ruckus.

BTW, rum & pineapple Jello make a great shot . . . as does lime & Triple Sec


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