Echoes in a Nomad's head

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Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Down and Out

So, today I'm listening to some Nickelback while working out, and this one line just keeps sticking out to me. "Something's gotta go wrong cuz I'm feeling too damn good." And I'm sitting there thinking "Y'know, that's pretty much the story of my life." Seems like every time things start looking up for me, something causes it to take a nose dive. Majority of the time, it seems to involve women, too. Sure, there have been plenty of times that the crap is centered around work, or the house, or whatever. But usually it's in the realm of relationships.

As you probably guessed, I've been a bit down lately. Things seemed to be going rather well with a certain young woman I met . . . we went out a few times, talked a lot, etc. But for the last several weeks, it seems there's been a sudden change. It takes her a week or more to respond to an e-mail, sometimes doesn't return a phone call, and usually has an excuse not to get together. She says it's just because she's super busy right now, and has stated that she'd like to get together again. But, honestly, I've heard that line before, and always ended along the lines of "I only like you as a friend", evolving into a total cold shoulder, or worse. So, I'm not really sure what to think. I'm hoping things will work out well (romantically, that is). Not meaning to sound like a dweeby high schooler, but there's something really special about her. First, she's absolutely gorgeous--I just can't get enough of staring into those hypnotic brown eyes. But she's also smart as a whip, has a sarcastic sense of humor that just about matches my own, loves '80's music, has an incredibly inspiring faith in God, has a thing for wolves (the most awesomest animal on the face of the planet) and has simple yet elegant tastes (leans toward simple/crafty jewelry rather than flashy). I can honestly say that she is truly one of the most beautifull women I have ever met (and I base beauty on the total package, not just looks).

Well, I better end this, before I start pining on like too much of a goober. All I can say is I wish she'd be clear about how she felt--if she's interested in me, I think it's not too much to ask that she make a little time in her schedule to talk or get together; and if she's not interested, she should say so, to avoid any awkwardness or misunderstandings. All I can do right now though is try to keep in touch, be a nice guy, and offer a little prayer now and again. Wish me luck . . .


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