Echoes in a Nomad's head

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Monday, July 19, 2004

At the risk of sounding like a movie review blog

Okay, so now that I'm taking a break from work, I've got a bunch of free time on my hands.  And, since this is the summer blockbuster season (as pointed out in an earlier blog entry) I've been seeing a new movie about once per week. Spiderman 2 rocked, plain and simple. Great movie, surpassing even the original. I was a little distracted by the Spidey cgi, though, as they made him a bit too lankey for an actual human being. I know that was to make it look more like the comic, but it just didn't look right, IMO.

Next up was King Arthur, which I wasn't all that impressed with. Sure, Keira Knightley was gorgeous as usual, but there was a ton of overacting (not by Ms. Knightley, of course), a lackluster storyline, absolutely forced "romance", historical inaccuracies, and not to metion the previously stated erroneous advertising campaign. This was not, in any way, the "true" story of Arthur . . . they based that statement a limitted collection of evidence that some of the exploits attributed to Arthur may have been carried out by a man named Ambrosius, a Roman officer in England during a strong Saxon push for conquest about the time of the fall of the Empire. But, enough ranting about that one.

Today, was I, Robot's turn. Very nice flick. I've been told it doesn't follow Azimov's storyline that much, but I really didn't care . . . Will Smith gave a great performance, excellent special effects, intriguing and compelling storyline. All in all, it was a great movie, and one that is destined to join my DVD collection once available.

Well, if I'm able to afford to keep up the pace, I'll drop some brief reviews of other movies in the coming weeks . . .


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