Echoes in a Nomad's head

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Saturday, May 01, 2004

No e-vote for you!

Glad to see someone in power taking a stand against the touchscreen voting. There have been too many problems demonstrated with them already to prove they're not ready for prime time. Add to that the fact that they do not have any re-count capability, no paper trail, no verification method, etc. and I just can not, in good conscience, support them. And before anyone goes accusing me of being a technophobe, it should be noted that I work in IT. As a matter of fact, the company I work for does standardized testing . . . the scoring process isn't that far removed from e-vote tallying. And I can tell you from experience that a paper trail is needed. I am a little disappointed that it took so long for someone to finally put their foot down--even though the election is 6 months away, it's close enough to where this sudden shift in policy is going to have some serious repercussions. But I think I'd rather deal with those bumpy roads than trust the e-voting machines.


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