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Monday, April 26, 2004

Movie review

Went out and caught a showing of The Punisher last weekend. Pretty good flick. I was a bit skeptical at first, considering the Dolph Lundgren version of a few years ago. The movie didn't follow the comic precisely, but IMO it actually made a bit more sense in their version of the "birth" of the Punisher. John Travolta's performance was pretty flat--almost looked like he really didn't want to be there. But otherwise the movie was worth the price of admission. Good fun. And while they made it obvious there are plans for a sequel, it wasn't so blatant & forced as to ruin the ending . . . the ending was a real fini, that left the door open, but didn't scream "insert sequel here" or leave the viewer hanging. Don't listen to the critics--most of them apparently don't have the slightest clue about The Punisher character and give this movie nothing more than "typical action flick" press.


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